Friday, April 22, 2011 @ 3:12 AM  0 stares
my heart beats perfectly the rate of  71 heartbeats per minute..
you don't have to accelerate it!.. just now i counted 90 beats per minute.. what ? is that possible?
get out of my head!! pleasee! both of you!
stop making me think unnecessary things
(cehhwah.. bajet ramai org ske lak aku ni..)

this is not about boys yeah.. its about food!.. i feel like EATING!!!
hahaha theres 2 "food" that's asking me to "eat" them!
i gained weight even though i feel like i haven't eaten anything that i want!
huhu malam masih muda.. jap agi "exercise"...ermm esok lah!

ni lagu ni kat blog ni... tak reti nk remove la.. remove2 tgk2 separuh blog aku ilang... so dgr la "not alone.. not alone " dan lagu lain2 yg skarang ni aku rase agak melalak di corong telinga ku sampai aku ade mood nk tuka blog skin.. buat sendiri ke... ermm.. tak nak ah wat sendiri.. reti.. tapi penat nk bgi semua perfect..

to my phone.. both of my phones.. the picture above is for you!
serius bnyk kali dah i "drop" them.. kat supermaket.. mase tgh makan.. mse boring trase nk lepas .. lepas je.. hahahaha tpi dia still idup balik memberi service yg tidak berbelah bagi (kecuali apabila bill dah sampai limit)
walaupon satu dah xleh baca sim kad.. tpi still leh amik gambar
walaupon satu lagi aku tak brp reti nk pakai.. i choose you over blackberry anyday!

don't tell me.. she's holding honey stars??? mummyyy!! i want honey stars!
flying honey stars that would land into my mouth magically..
(dasar pemalas)

makan je aku pikir kan?... well you're wrong..
you have no idea what i'm thinking about right now..

eh terasa nak makan nasi yg berempah gitu.. nasi ape eh name dier...
nasi tu hanya family aku blah penang je pandai wat.. wehh camne ni.. nak makannn!!
