Friday, October 28, 2011 @ 3:34 AM  2 stares
haha kantoi hot linking gambar... lantak ah.. i'm to lazy to upload my own picture..

well it seems that our final result will be on 4th of november..
i have no idea where everyone already knows this from ...

so i've  been putting my facebook hiatus on hold for a whole week now..
and i found that, with facebook,  i've been spending my time playing tetris all the time
and less time watching television
and less time doing anything else to be exact

but i really needed tetris to keep my mind away from the stress the renovation crew is giving me
being trapped in a wrong for the whole day with no television..
and when i do watch, there's nothing on television...= more stress
it may sound crazy but tetris is the only thing that keeps me calm

in conclusion, facebook is really good when you're bored..
but if you keep checking up on it all the time, you most likely to not accomplish anything else...
so starting tomorrow... no more facebook and tetris for me... 

i want to be thinnn
i have to start eating less... lately I've been eating non-stop
