Wednesday, February 8, 2012 @ 4:18 PM  1 stares

some people collects a jar or hearts
but do they know that hearts can break and not make a sound
and when it breaks it don't break even
so would you give my heart a break?

but can it take a break? (as in time out)

hahah no heart! don't you dare take a break!

heart (literal meaning)  =hati : that thing that emulsify fat (liver)

heart (what people understand) = jantung = that thing that pumps blood! (cardiac muscle)

either way.. i'm going to be in much trouble if they take a break.. 
hati : the fat in my body won't be emulsified
jantung : i'll be dead!!

if i have to choose between dead and un-emulsified fat...
err... please don't make me choose

what kind of message is that?
work less?... hahaha.. if only its that simple!

and that's it!...thanks for reading ....
"Nina's Pre-WritingClass Randomness!"

(because i keep on writing before writing class..
 i need to come up with a cuter segment name)

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